Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day, Layout & Card...

Happy Earth Day everyone! I'm not a big environmentalist or anything but it seems like that's all I've heard about today. ;) I do my part in regards to recycling, putting trash where it belongs (it REALLY bugs me when people just throw their trash wherever it lands, UGH!), keeping the lights off when they're not needed, running my dishwasher in the evening and things like that not to mention a general respect for nature. Have you seen Google's Earth Day image this year? I love it! The blues and greens, sea life, water and trees! I just wanna take a swim in it! ;)

I have a couple things to share that I created a couple weeks ago. Some of you may have already seen them here or there, but for those who haven't, here they are. First up is a layout for my *Ad/Art Inspired Challenge over at Citrus Tree Studio. I found the following advertisement and loved it's randomness as well as the clouds, rainbow and birds! I felt inspired right when I saw it! *Come on over and join in the challenges! We'd love to have you!

My inspired layout: I used photos of my sister jumping in my in-laws pool almost 4 years ago, but they reminded me how ready I am for summer!

I also made a card from my sister and I that we set up on my mom's kitchen island with a bunch of tulips for when she got home from surgery a couple weeks ago. :)

Hope you're all having a wonderful Wednesday wherever you are! It's turned into a beautiful, sunny day here even though it's a bit chilly. Looking forward to 70's and 80's starting tomorrow and into the weekend!
Thanks for coming by!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Citrus Tree Studio!

I've been meaning to post this for a couple weeks but life has just been a bit different than usual lately.

I've wanted to share that I am so stoked to have been asked to join the Citrus Tree Studio design team as a full-time designer! I happily accepted and am looking forward to the next several months with Cindee and the rest of the team!

I had taken some time off from designing/design teams and the break was good but I was really starting to miss creating and it couldn't have come at a better time!

If you've not visited the site or seen the kits, feel free to drop by and take a look around! Cindee puts together FUN kits (see the April kit here!) and the message board is so friendly and welcoming! We'd to have you!

Thanks for sharing in my excitement! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter/Project 365 Photos

Good morning everyone and Happy Easter weekend to you! The sun is screaming here and it looks like tomorrow is going to be beautiful too! So happy for that! :)

It's going to be a quick post as hubby and I have several hundred eggs to stuff. Yeah, I said a several hundred, lol. It's a tradition that hubby started with his nieces and nephews many, many years ago and we've carried it on together. :)

So, I'm a week behind in posting my Project 365 photos so thought I'd get them up before I post this week's photos tomorrow, lol!

SUNDAY - My open bible

MONDAY - Isn't this photo so trashy looking? I took this photo when hubby and I went to drop off my car at the shop and way in the back was all this trash and this funky car! LOL! I assure you we know the mechanic and he's nice as pie. :)

TUESDAY - I made a big batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies as a thank you to said mechanic

WEDNESDAY - I installed my new Photoshop Elements 7.0! YAY - and upgrade from Photoshop Elements 4.0! By the way, PSE 7 is a steal @ Costco for $49!

THURSDAY - We grilled Spicy Chicken Sausages and sat outside to eat. It was so nice out!

FRIDAY - Hubby and I went and looked at lighting at Home Depot. I'm looking for a new light for my kitchen.

SATURDAY - We went to a local park since it was such a beautiful day. The trees are looking so lovely! Come on Spring!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter blessings!

I'll be back soon and will share a fun little tidbit that I'm very excited about! I just want to give it it's own post. ;)

Thanks for all your sweet comments and for your visit! I just LOVE and appreciate it! :)