Monday, August 07, 2006

Just couldn't pass up the opportunity
to wish my very best friends' husband a
Happy Birthday today!

Happy Birthday Aaron!

By the way...don't you look spiffie! :)
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Thursday, August 03, 2006

I do believe I'll be riding the scrappin' bus for a little bit anyway. I feel like I'm inspired to scrap. Or is it that I have a list of projects to do? Hmmmm...regardless, I'm having fun!

I received Patty's circle journal and her theme is "I like being a girl". I was a little nerveous about it, considering I haven't done many "girlie" pages and I don't use many pastel color schemes. But it was fun LO to do. I really do like being a girl! :) I just need to scrap a tag for her journal as well as a few other things that she's requested in her book. Thanks for the fun Patty!

Off to my table I go again. Today, I may start working on my nieces' album. There's really no deadline but the sooner I get it done, the sooner I get paid! I'd also like to try Corey's "Hand-write your title" Challenge. Even though my handwriting annoys me....LOL! Don't know if I'll be participating in SBO's August Contest or not. We'll see where I am by tomorrow nights deadline.

It's another scorcher here today. A good chance of severe weather will be bringing in a cold-front for the weekend! YAY! I'm ready for some cooling down! Enjoy the day everyone and stay cool!