I received Patty's circle journal and her theme is "I like being a girl". I was a little nerveous about it, considering I haven't done many "girlie" pages and I don't use many pastel color schemes. But it was fun LO to do. I really do like being a girl! :) I just need to scrap a tag for her journal as well as a few other things that she's requested in her book. Thanks for the fun Patty!
Off to my table I go again. Today, I may start working on my nieces' album. There's really no deadline but the sooner I get it done, the sooner I get paid! I'd also like to try Corey's "Hand-write your title" Challenge. Even though my handwriting annoys me....LOL! Don't know if I'll be participating in SBO's August Contest or not. We'll see where I am by tomorrow nights deadline.
It's another scorcher here today. A good chance of severe weather will be bringing in a cold-front for the weekend! YAY! I'm ready for some cooling down! Enjoy the day everyone and stay cool!
happy scrapping, nicole :)
sounds like you are going to have a fun time...
Don't get stressed about my challenge! It can be done anytime!!! Glad you ARE scrapping and having fun!
So happy you are a scrappin dynamo again...lucky us!
Wahooo...now get going girl and quit blogging...LOL
don't quit blogging :)
I haven't had a chance to praise on SBO but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your layout in my journal!!! I can't wait to see it irl!!! Love ya girl!
Hi Nicole thanks for your responce on my weblog! Glad to hear you are scrapping and having fun with it!
How did I miss this post? Happy, happy that you are scrapping. I'm slowly beginning to get in the swing too...
Hi Nicole! Glad to see you scrapping again! I love your pages when you post! Go Girl!!
Hey Nicole!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog the other day! You need to update yours with some of your work so I can "ooh" and "ahh" over it. :)
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