Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clear Scraps CHA booth...

How awesome is it to see your own work at CHA? Very exciting! I see all my albums in this photo except for my Pool Party one, so I'm hoping it's just displayed elsewhere in the booth. :)

I'm so thrilled for Janet and Jackie and their Clear Scraps success!! Sounds like they're having a wonderful time in Anaheim! Since being at CHA, they've already teamed up with Glitz for the rest of 2008 (YAY!!!), and Clear Scraps is also now a distributor of Zip Dry paper glue! Fantastic!

Hoping for more updates from J and J!


Jolene said...

How cool to see your work on display at CHA. Big congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! It must be both thrilling and cool to see your work displayed at CHA. Congrats and be proud!