I meant to post the Father's Day cards I made ON Father's Day but alas, time got away from me.
I made this one for my father-in-law. Isn't the crossword puzzle paper cute? I was originally inspired by this card and since my father-in-law enjoys his daily crossword puzzles, I wanted to use the idea but when I went through my stash, I didn't have any paper like that. So, I went online and printed this crossword puzzle on cardstock. It worked perfectly!
This was the card I made for my dad. Isn't that little grill hilarious? That's one of those $1 Studio G stamps I picked up at Joann's. Love those little stamps!
With all the different color challenges on various blogs, I was excited to see that my assigned design team challenge was color this month. These are the colors I chose (and the cards I made) and I just love them together! You can join in on my challenge here! We're always looking for newbies!
Can you tell I was in my October Afternoon stash that day, lol? I just LOVE their stuff!
Okay, one more card. I made for this one for my sister-in-law. I had a photo to send to her and thought it'd be a lot more fun to tuck it into a handmade card, right? ;) The majority of the products are from Citrus Tree's June "Zinnia" kit.
You may remember this card? I did the same for the card below by sewing 2 of the die-cut papers together (in the kit!) and used my hole punch down the side. Remember those Lil' Davis ticket alphabet stickers? Holy smokes, those are old! LOL! I've always loved them though! Those were in my stash!
Speaking of Citrus Tree, the design team and board members are all getting geared up for our "Christmas In July" crop - Saturday, July 25 & Sunday, July 26, 2009! Dig out those Christmas photos, papers and supplies! We'd love to have you stop in and participate! Cindy's prizes are OUTRAGEOUS!! You can read all the details here!
And just because I can...a photo of my dog's horribly hard life. Oh my. She's a worker. I don't know how she does it, day in and day out. *Whew*. I should really give her a break. ;)
Alright, off I go to plan my day. Hope you have a wonderful Friday! Nice of you to stop by! :)