Thursday, June 08, 2006

I was visiting my friend Marjorie's blog ( today and saw that she had added this cool "subscription" service to her blog, so I decided to copy...LOL! Obviously, there's nothing exciting to subscribe to on my pitiful blog but if you'd like to know when I have posted something new, then type in your email address, hit "subscribe me" and it'll let ya know! Thanks Marjorie! Hope you don't mind! **smiles**


Hi my name is Marjorie said...

I'm subscribed to yours too but thru the bloglines link...and I don't mind...not at all dear friend.

Krystin said...

don't forget you said you would help me do this to my bog, too.. :)

Kristy said...

OH... I will have to do this so I can check your blog out more often! Looks great!