Friday, July 06, 2007


Can I just say how much I love Picasa2? Lovin' the collage thing. easy.

Another Independence Day that I'm thankful for all my freedoms and liberties. There isn't another country I'd rather live in!

It was really a quiet day for us. Hung around the house and watched the fireworks from our driveway. We have the perfect spot and it beats loading up the car and fighting the crowd at the park.

And like a dork, I had my tripod goin' on! Might be dorky but hey...I'm happy with my photos. (well...the power line in some of them kind of eerk me.)

Hope your day was a day of celebration!


Krystin said...

oh, Nicole...I love how you put together the collage of the looks fantastic!!! great pics :)

kelli said...

Wonderful pictures, loving the collage another website I am going to have to go check out.

Leslie said...

LOVE that mosaic photo collage!! You should print that as a photo and use on a LO.

Okay, gonna go read your other post now. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh this is fantastic Nicole!
What a great item for a layout.