Friday, February 01, 2008

Clear Scraps CHA *New Releases* - Wordbooks!

It's official!! I can share my Clear Scraps Wordbook sneak peek for CHA! I LOVE these books! They're such a terrific size (this one is approx. 5" x 11"!) and there's many Wordbooks to choose from like HOME, BABY, WOOF, MEOW and FAMILY!

ETA: This book has been picked up for publication, therefore all images have been removed! More information at a later date! :)


Krystin said...

Oh my heck!!! I can see why you love the album so much and those papers...they are awesome!!! I absolutely love it. I love the colours and the patterns on the papers. What a great album.

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

Huge congrats! They are so lucky to have you.

Jolene said...

Outrageously cool! Nicole, you have blown me away with these projects. Big congrats!!

Leslie said...

I love how this album turned out. Such sweet photos of you and Dan!