Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Brilliant rub-on storage...

I absolutely LOVE this idea and have never heard of it until now! Found this little informational nugget on Crystal Jeffrey Rieger's (Memory Makers Masters 2007) blog and I can hardly wait to dig into my rubs and break out my stapler!

You know how it have a fresh sheet of rubs and over time you end up using a few and before long your sheet is all cut up and it's a total pain to get back in the package? Oh and you know what else happens...half of them end of rubbing off and getting wrecked.

CHECK THIS OUT! I love anything that helps me with my scrappy storage!


sharonpdx said...

seriously, i thought that was a great idea - so glad you shared it! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks sweetie - glad you liked the idea! So sweet that you gave me a mention :)

Krystin said...

Totally brilliant. I have been so frustrated over the same thing.

Tara Cross Beam said...

Hi Nicole,

Thank you for checking out my blog. Refill blades for the fingertip Fiskar cutter are the standard #11 blades. A website you can order them from is or your local hardware store may have them.

Have a great day! Tara